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Zion, the Desert Plain, and the Wilderness

In past weeks, some of the visions that I’ve been receiving are becoming openly manifest in some different circles of relationship.

The Deer of Isaiah 35:6

6 Then those who limp will leap like a deer,

In one vision, I was shown a deer with a large rack moving freely about on a plain within his range. The prophetic backdrop of the vision revealed realms of soft pastel colors that appeared under a dark haze. This haze appeared as a dark, transparent screen, which covered the realms. I sense that in the times ahead, these sky tones will change to the primary colors that serve to make the ministry of Zion more clearly known to our cities.

Beginning with the grassy plain that I saw the deer freely move in, I was led to Isaiah 35:1 which speaks of Zions happy future. Verse 1 says, “35 The wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad for them; and the desert shall rejoice, and blossom as the rose.”

While the wilderness is uninhabited land, the solitary place also speaks of a desert place. This solitary place, which is defined as a desert, is also defined as a steppe. A steppe is an extended grassy plain without trees, which is like the field that I saw the deer in. Those of us who have pioneered any part of Kingdom ministry know of these desert places in how they are spoken of as the solitary places that Is 35:1 speaks of. Even when you are well connected with fellowships that bear witness of the corporate ministry that you’re walking out with others through, “the plains” point to the individual part of the ministries that we each walk out alone.

Bearing Up the Yoke of Jesus

In times of movement that is associated with the Lord’s ascension, I often witness people begin to discern, as well as experience some affects of the demonic realm. God will give of His Kingdom to manifest the Third Heaven to us more fully. This comes once we learn how to fully inhabit the realms that we’re being established in. We more easily learn to bear up the yoke of Jesus, which is light, as opposed to trying to divide out second heaven realms to discern the darkness. Once we bear up the weight from our shoulders (government upon His shoulders, Isaiah 9:6), the weight of these times are no longer bearing down on our souls. We minister Zion to what the ministry itself reveals. Once the weighty glory shifts, the lightening comes. The awakening, which also follows, continues to multiply our discernment and understanding, as well as the gifts and ministries. Here is where we see the land that God wants healed. We also see the scope of ministry that God is revealing in relationship to our communities, cities, etc.

Yokes are quickly broken through the corporate ministry. This becomes an integral part of where and how we share our lives with those who co-labor with us. Since God is always moving to expand His dwelling place through us, we will need to learn how to bear this government upon our shoulders. God’s weighty glory is purposed to bring a dividing line of our soul from spirit. Then, again towards how God is moving to expand His dwelling place. Without this understanding of what to expect of God’s manifest glory, people are prone to carry the weight in their souls and internalize what brings suffering. This can become a filtering system at a later time to cause people to wrongly divide.

Kingdom Ministry Brings Habitation

From how Teams and bodies of fellowship carry the presence of God together, Zion frames up the individual work that each member is being prepared for. We may be sent to what is presently in disorder, or under siege of an enemy, but corporate Zion will manifest the Order that will host the habitation of God to where He is sending us. When Zion is fully manifest, the rose will blossom in what was previously known as wilderness land.

Tuning the Prophetic to Zion

Even as I am witnessing how this is taking place in some different circles of relationship, I also know that these same times are coming upon the church.

Beginning with the prophetic, what we hear, see, and perceive becomes tuned to a greater scale of ministry. God’s purpose is to form us through a greater scope of ministry that we can begin multiplying Ecclesia, as well as it’s administrations from.

God’s Dwelling Place amongst us is purposed to bring healing to what brings expansion in the process.

Psalm 99:2

The Lord is great in Zion, And He is exalted above all the peoples.

Psalm 102:16

For the Lord has built up Zion; He has appeared in His glory.

Psalm 110:2

The Lord will stretch out Your strong scepter from Zion, saying, “Rule in the midst of Your enemies.”


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