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The Work of Zion

Zion is a fully matured work of ministry that exceeds the walls and boundaries of ministry that we normally see functioning within a church body. Zion has multiple parts and movements that function in synchronicity to what has already occurred, as well as to what is about to occur. Zion involves people who oftentimes do not know that they are part of what identifies a move of God. Zion causes us to see one or more parts of ministry in relationship with God’s precision work. These works, which occur from heaven to earth, bring the precise timing of God’s Kairos times in respect to the stature that we rise in and rise to. A SONrise to a new day can bring division to one part, while marking the plumb line of what rises to wisdom.

Zion itself is purposed to raise two generations, members, or parts into one expression where both are flowing together in the fullness of stature of full age. We often believe full stature to relate to a person’s gift, but stature that is spoken of in respect to maturity is identified with wisdom. This wisdom often relates to how we identify Christ in His body, as well as how we respond to Him in the greater work that He is appearing to us through. Eph. 4:13 - “Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:”

It’s one thing to watch the move of God in people to learn of how the ministries of Eph 4:11 raise people to a mature stature within what we identify as Ecclesia. It’s another thing to watch the sons rise to stature where wisdom is identified from the prior work.

Zion illuminates the greater work that takes place from God’s Kingdom blueprints. Zion identifies how God moves supernaturally to orchestrate the movements that will facilitate the work that God desires to be fulfilled in the earth.

In one part of the work, it can appear that the work of Zion brings division. At the same time, Zion is drawing out a plumb line that marks a stature for what has been divided to rise to. In one part, Ecclesia may define the parameters of operation. In what marks completion, the work of Zion may be more clearly seen in relationship to the Titus 1:5 ministry where the work stretches our cords to see the Lord of Hosts resting on a multitude of peoples.

How we respond to the Lord in them is the deciding factor of what will define our stature (age) in the present work, as well as the moves of God to follow.

Synchronicity = harmony, accord, peace, coincidence.


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