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The Blanket Ministry

I’m led to share this publicly for someone who serves around people who are mentally ill and may not be able to join us on our next zoom meeting. I also feel that God wants what is shared here to be as a seed of hope for others who intercede for the same purposes. Possibly, those who may need the manifestation of the Holy Spirit from what has been cultivated through this healing ministry over the years.

In the Beginning:

The manifestation of the Spirit (blanket ministry) became activated from an Intercessory Prayer Group in my local church many years ago. As we gathered to intercession at church one night, we quietly waited. No one spoke or prayed. We just allowed the Holy Spirit to speak, move, and direct us. Finally, someone spoke and said, “I just saw a white blanket descend (as the Holy Spirit).” The one leading our prayer group then responded by saying that this was the sign that she was waiting for. Signs often follow to prompt us to wait further on the Holy Spirit to allow him to lead us.

I share this because the manifestation of the Spirit from this ministry later showed up in my own life and ministry. When the manifestation appeared in my own life, I was led by the Holy Spirit to further cultivate the ministry in a new direction for new purposes. The ministry of healing began being cultivated into my own life to be paired with the ministry of deliverance from what was already manifesting in my life. In more current times, this manifestation of the Blanket Ministry has shown up in someone that walked with me for several years. Apostolic ministry, which is a culmination of spirit life, gifts, orders and administrations, continues to multiply – as one seed. We don’t always need to walk according to previous order, but rather, walk from how we continually keep these precepts as part of the foundations that we live from. Apostolic ministry is a gift that keeps on giving when we know how to receive it with honor in order to sow it in the same.

For the Emotionally Ill

In every new work that I begin, I’m shown the people, or people groups that God wants ministered to. This was the case when I began finding myself surrounded by people who suffered mental illnesses and emotional disorders. I also worked with another local church for several years with Leaders and Elders who co-labored with me to further cultivate marketplace spheres of ministry. Here, a woman who was part of this church approached me seeking help for schizophrenia. She spoke to me of the demons that she heard in her head and told of how tormented she was. Along the same time, a woman who lived in my condo community tragically committed suicide. She suffered from severe bipolar disorder. Early in my walk of ministry as a Foster Parent, I befriended another woman who suffered Bipolar, Schizophrenia, as well as layers of other disorders. I led her to Christ, discipled her to hear the voice of God and she began going to church. She approached me one day very troubled. Her Pastor had cast out a certain (single) demon. To put away some arguments here, many of these kinds of disorders bring a manifestation of one or more demons that come from how generational iniquity is resident in the generations. Gifting alone will only identify with symptoms (fruit) without walking in the substance needed to uproot the deeper generational issues. Our ministry, when the manifestation is founded on gift alone, will not touch what has its roots in generations of people.

Apostolic ministry raises it’s witness as a generation to a generation. Some of the characteristics of apostolic ministry is that you find yourself surrounded by the people (groups) that God wants ministry cultivated for. The bones of all apostolic ministry remain the same, as does the order, but new “flowering buds” that come forth will point us towards new harvests that will bring new direction for new ministry, for new purposes.

The Form of the Lord

The formation of the Lord follows spirit impartations. The Lord’s form appears through gifts, divine order such as Ecclesia, family, community, etc. The Lord’s form, through structure that follows spirit life, serves to bring the greater manifestations of the Kingdom of God that this earth so desperately needs.

Even as the Lord manifests Himself through various forms of ministry, never mistake form for true order where we do not stay in step with God. An ongoing work of Kingdom ministry can host God’s habitation through demonstrating science projects in relationship to God’s design and creation as much as a church service can host God's presence during a worship service. Worship takes place from our heart to God’s heart. One person may gather a class to demonstrate how green beans are grown on a wet paper towel within a zip-lock bag, while prophetically imparting Kingdom principals to people’s lives. Another may gather people into a local church assembly. The KEY is to host God’s presence in all that you do. I do believe that both are needed, but Jesus seemed to visit people where they lived more than with those who assembled themselves together from a building. This is probably why he spent so much time modeling sonship to us. We can more easily multiply seed from what yields itself as seed bearing fruit to begin with.

Beware of Extremes

History is full of examples of what started good, but ended up in extremes, both in the church and out of the church. In the end the “order of the House” sets the standard as the Church that Jesus builds. Whether you have a bread ministry, a blanket ministry, or are needing God to show you what is already “in your hands” so He can multiply it, be open to the demonstrations of spirit life in your midst. Order, both old and new, will follow what Holy Spirit demonstrates. Direction and stewardship follow the form that new order brings. The presence of spirit life in all that you do will keep you on a course of Holy Spirit led ministry. He will fill you before you can fully see the Lord’s form for the greater purposes that you will be called to.

Watch and Pray!

The Lord’s visitations will often become manifest to us through overlapping circles of relationship, of both new and old. Pray so that you continue to keep the resonance of the Kingdom of God without allowing the circumstances that surround you to change your frequency. Surround yourself with people who can inhabit the same spiritual ground as you do. These serve to keep you tuned to the Kairos times that God responds to us through. Be blessed! Be fruitful and multiply. When we have continuous fruit that grows from the soil of our lifestyle, we will have dominion over the flesh that is upon the earth, of the air, and in the depths of the seas.

Gen 1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

The Cloud of Witness

All ministry comes down as New Jerusalem to water the lowest places from the very heights Zion that witness of God alone. All glory that is given is returned to the Lord Himself. Hebrews 1: God’s final word to His Son.

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