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The Grid

One open vision that I received years ago was of open heavens from how this appeared through an almost invisible grid. Much like what appeared as an Artist's Grid, this grid was so transparent that it was only visible enough to be seen in its placement, as being embedded in the sky, all the way down to earth.

In the times that followed, my own path revealed times of ascent where I was “born up” into greater life in Christ. (From a disciple to a daughter, son; from church, to family, community, etc.) The times that followed caused me to learn how to descend in greater humility to bring what I knew of heaven, as well as God’s Kingdom to earth. Stewardship of the Kingdom of God became a key factor in how I learned to navigate life and ministry in relationship to God’s Kingdom on earth.

Early on, I learned that the only way to stay mobilized in the Lord’s ascended life is to continually disciple people into the Christ life on many levels. There is height and stature in Christ that can only be reached through a corporate man or body that rises (anabainō) together. When we hear the word, “COME” by the spirit, something should resonate in our spirit to cause us to respond in a way that causes us to awaken and arise. Some of the greater purpose for the Ekklesia, as the church body, is to reconcile people, communities, cities, and nations to Christ so that they may be born up into the Christ nature that further unlocks their identity, destiny, as well as their spiritual inheritance.

Living the ascended life has little to do with going to heaven one day to be with God after we die and leave this earth. Living the ascended life is very much about how we live now to serve God to make His Kingdom known on earth. Rightly dividing all that we know of scripture and God’s Kingdom greatly depends on our understanding of spiritual things. Where we lack understanding, wisdom tells us to wait until we can discern the greater depths of God’s Kingdom.

Vision of the Church and of Life Springing Up

Another open vision that I had along the same time was of a woman with long black hair flowing down her back. I knew her to be the church. In one part of the vision, I saw a funeral in process within a cemetery. After some kind of commotion, I saw the woman rise up, or emerge. In the next frame, I saw her flowing in what appeared to be a very wide, invisible river. I could see only see the river from the life that was springing up as the woman flowed over the land. In the dead of winter, I saw green grass spring up. Flowers sprang up and were suddenly in full bloom. I also saw foliage and flowers suddenly appear on bare trees.

Appointed Times (The Realms of Heaven)

Over the years, I have often found that the connect points of where vertical lines and horizontal lines meet represent strategic Kairos, appointed, prophetic times. These connect points, or appointed times serve to overlay, or seed our path from how God continues to lead us in the Lord’s ascended life. When the Kingdom is being made manifest around us, Heaven comes down; earth and life spring up, and the Kingdom of God becomes manifest beyond what the natural eye can see. I oftentimes see where Old Testament and New Testament scripture obviously parallel or coincide together harmoniously. One speaks of Christ, the Word, another part speaks of Christ and His Church. Other parts witness more of the more intricate details of the mysteries of the Kingdom of God.

The Greek word, anabainō means to go up, to rise, mount, be borne up, spring up. Also to enter, COME!

In John 6, Jesus speaks of Himself as the Bread of Life, even as the Bread of Heaven that comes down. After he addressed the offense that His words brought in this chapter, he asked his disciples what will they think if they saw Son of Man ascending to (the realm) where He was before? (AMP)

John 6: 61 But Jesus, aware that His disciples were complaining about it, asked them, “Does this cause you to stumble and take offense? 62 What then [will you think] if you see the Son of Man ascending (anabainō) to [the realm] where He was before?

In Rev 4:1, anabainō is used in the context of “come up”. Each time we come up or ascend, we find that something opens to us that was closed before. Sometime our mind is what is opened. Once our mind is opened, our hearts are opened. Then, treasures and mysteries of Christ, and the Kingdom of God are opened.

What happens where people ascend in the Lord? (Come to the Lord from their hearts). Healing and wholeness follow. People no longer live and have their being out of the lower, unredeemed soul nature that we are left with in the absence of the Christ Life that joins us and leads us to The Father. Heaven has a sound! So does spirit life. Listen, hear, breath this Life in so that in your rising, you do not forget who you are in Christ. In our ascent, we must be mindful that pride is not what we ascend from – as in climbing. Rather, we rise (grow up) from the true foundations as the Lord’s church. If we do not enter these realms by the sheepfold door, scripture speaks that such climbs up as a thief and a robber.

Jhn 10:1 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up (anabainō) some other way, the same is a thief and a robber.

Rev 4:1 After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up (G305 - anabainō) hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter.

In respect to these present times, we can say, “Arise, shine; for your light has come, And the glory of the LORD has risen upon you. (Isaiah 60:1)


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