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Has God ever Called You Out to Separate You?

If so, you may be blessed by what I’m about to share. As I reflect on this today, I recall a vision that was given to me more than 30 years ago. One that I did not begin to understand until recently. Even so, I’m sure that revelation will continue to unfold as it has over the years.

In the vision that I’m referring to, I saw the Lord on His White Horse with multitudes following behind. In another part of the vision, I saw many who were also riding on white horses like Him. In yet another part of the vision, I saw multitudes of people lining up to enter what appeared to be small silo-like buildings. It was clear that all the people that were lining up to enter would never be able to either enter or occupy the small buildings that they were waiting to line up to. I have reflected on this mystery over the years and wondered what God was speaking to me.

Only now, from understanding the order that is within our vertical measures of faith and ministry (of what sets standards), to the accountability to stay the course to multiply the same, I’m beginning to see more. It comes back to what I studied recently in what followed after the Lord’s last supper with His disciples.

John 14:12 - “Truly, truly I say to you, the one who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do; because I am going to the Father.

As I shared earlier, in this passage the Greek word for works, in “the works that I do, he will also do” differs from the Greek word that is used as “and greater works than these he will do”. The first usage of the word, “works”, is defined by the Greek word ergon. Ergon points to deed, doing, labour, work. Ergon is also defined as business, employment, that which anyone is occupied.

The Greek word, megas is used in the second usage of the word “works”. Megas is defined quite extensively. Megas is defined as: 1. Great 2. splendid, prepared on a grand scale, stately 3. mass and weight: great 4. compass and extent: large, spacious 5. stature and age: great, old 6. of age: the elder 7. a thing to be highly esteemed for its excellence: excellent

More of what we have learned as followers of Jesus:

From what is written in God’s Logos word, to what becomes marked as faith through the Rhema, the same will continue to be multiplied through the greater (megas) works that Jesus did. Since so much of my own faith walk has kept the Storehouse ministies before me, I identify the silo-shaped buildings more with what becomes opened in the Kairos times that this ministry continues through. Ministry Order, which also comes from the Rhema of the spoken, declared word is purposed to be made manifest as Christ in the earth. This takes place through many expressions where the Kingdom comes to spiritual ground of what we occupy fully in the Lord.

If this speaks to you and your vision, then I would encourage you to yield yourself to divine order from how this becomes foundation to your walk, as opposed to building barns to store up God's blessings. When we research the storehouse in scripture, we find that they store treasures, artillery, food, along with other things. We also find that there are a number of elements that identify these as times that will never be found within a building. (rain, snow, hail, wind, and sea). Discerning the times of God’s Storehouse is just as important as knowing how to make deposits and contributions, as well as how to draw from the same.

Meet the storms of life with wisdom and God will open the heavens above where you stand to give instruction in what is to follow.

Rev 19:11 And I saw heaven opened and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.


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