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The Melchizedek Priesthood

Cultivating ministry gifts in people leads them in how to move in the corporate anointing as those who are spirit-led. From the corporate anointing, the Holy Spirit moves in people who are walking together to further demonstrate the gifts and ministries of Christ in a people. The foundations that they become established on serve to further prepare them in how to be framed up in greater Kingdom purpose.

Structure that begins to appear organically will protect people from what flows solely out of gifts alone. Cultivating gifts in a corporate body develops people in their discernment of the presence of Christ in a many membered body. Ministry that has matured beyond an individual’s gift grows on to become discerning of the corporate ministry that is present in the greater body. Once corporate ministry has been formed, people begin developing the discernment needed to differentiate the difference in what is shallow and superficial from what has been established to host the presence of God needed to facilitate Kingdom culture.

We can do very little to affect our families, communities, cities, and regions without a Priesthood who ministers to Christ alone. A Priesthood is prepared and equipped in the corporate anointing and in corporate ministry as those who walk together in one mind and in one accord.


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