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We’re Making Progress

We’re making progress!

We have learned to ascend the hill from the framework of our own ministries. We have also learned to ascend the hill in relationship with a more corporate body of ministry. And finally, we have learned to ascend the hill in relationship with a Priesthood Order of Ministry in respect to God’s original design of His kosmos. (John 3:16). Of the Priesthood, we ascend in respect to God’s order from the original design of His Kosmos, as opposed to the world’s systems (Egypt), which spoils the vine.

What ascends the hill together in God’s symmetrical order witnesses of how the separate muscles move together within a cooperative action. What was once two or three separate bodies, now one! The same synergy that becomes present through more collaborative ministry produces something greater than the sum of each individual element on its own.

Soon, what has been going on behind the scenes in different circles of relationship will be made openly known. The website is under construction and the extended platform still remains hidden. We will soon make this venue more publicly known. We are ready to embark upon new paths for new purposes!


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