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Mysteries of the Church: Hidden in Plain Sight!

When we hear members or specific ministries in the Body of Christ who are not connected, or in any way joined together in the natural, begin to speak of same things, it’s easy to see the works and effects of Kairos, appointed times. These begin speaking of the same revelations and declarations near the same times. In doing so, these also become “seated” in heavenly places through what follows in their lives. Gifts, namely prophetic gifts, quickly find their Posts where they then become stationed. In what follows, we soon begin hearing a corporate message being trumpeted throughout the Body of Christ.

The Holy Spirit’s continuation in this work or movement becomes more clearly seen where Leaders, ministries, and people are gathered generation to generation to what becomes “set times”. This motion can be likened to the heaven to earth, fathers to sons, Kings and Priests, Ecclesia to Administrations as a work that progressively continues. The glory of God already covers the earth! We begin seeing this deeper work as WE go from faith from faith, and from glory to glory. Until then, the works that remain unseen are hidden in plain sight simply because people cannot associate a work, or part of a movement from what they presently know.

Over the years, I have often yielded my language and verbiage to the leading of the Holy Spirit to give expression to different movements, phases of building, etc. Overall, I have found that the higher realms of revelation can sometimes be more easily expressed through what is more commonly known in practical ways. Once the Holy Spirit pins it, I study what He is using to expound on it further.

For those of us who know and understand the order and function of ministry from apostolic and prophetic foundations, we have:

1. Speak the Word! A Word prophetically declared and decreed from heavenly places.

2. Speak from the Word! Of what is declared and decreed, the Holy Spirit then moves to gather a generational work that is first marked through the generations. Now these Kairos times have become “set times” that the Holy Spirit will further use to build momentum through a continued work.

3. We are the Word made Flesh! Here, we function as and from a Corporate Son, a generation, a nation, etc. through an expanded work. Of such, Christ has come in the flesh through one of many expressions!

Heb 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. 2 For by it the elders obtained a good report. 3 Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.

When we can see the world around us through the lens of the Kingdom of God, as opposed to seeing the Kingdom of God around us through the lens of the world, we’re given insight as to how to reap of the harvest where God sends us.

Some time ago, one faculty that the Holy Spirit began speaking to me of Kingdom Order through was that of an Interface. Compare an interface to what we know of ministry order from what defines an interface from a noun to a verb and you will see the unseen begin to appear!

Interface: (noun)

1. a surface regarded as the common boundary of two bodies, spaces, or phases. The facts, problems, considerations, theories, practices, etc., shared by two or more disciplines, procedures, or fields of study:

2. To bring into an interface. (verb (used with object), To bring together; connect or mesh: (confluence)

3. to be in an interface. (verb (used without object), to function as an interface.

Speak the word, Speak from the word, Then, speak as the word!

The koinonia fellowship of Acts 2:42 and interface share in some same associations: Thus, Koinonea serves as an intersection for an interface that is built in the temporal realm to be brought into the eternal realm. God's glory is a consuming fire and purifies all that it touches.

confluence, intersection, juncture, terminal, communication, association, network, relationship, cooperate, participate, associate

This is only one of the many examples and expressions that the appearing of Christ can be seen and manifest through in our present times.


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