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Priesthood Precepts

We will find that much of the move of God taking place in the corporate church is made up of many small movements. At times, we scope out greater land, even while we continue to occupy what we presently inhabit with both God and people. In spying out new depths in God, the prophetic concourse, or the order of course never changes. All the ministry of Ecclesia, administrations, etc. remain with us to light our path towards the new.

The Move of God

Years ago, I was given frequent visions of a woman with long, black flowing hair who represented the church. I knew I was not this woman in the singular sense, but I was of this woman in the plural sense. I saw a time coming of stadiums being filled with people. At times, I called this revival. Other times, I have called it an awakening, and in other times, I have called it a movement. In terms of a movement, I knew it would be unlike any past moves of God that we have ever known. Again, I saw this from what sums up plurality within a greater body.

I have seen these things from a place in the heavenlies with a sense of plurality with others. Over the course of many years, as I have pioneered ministry through small teams and fellowships, the activation of one part in my own life, and in those I co-labor with has caused me to see the presence of the same ministry within a greater body. We see the prophetic outwardly because the prophetic spirit is in us. It’s the same with every scope of ministry that we partake of in the culmination of what God is leading us towards.

The formation of Christ in a people, and in a body brings a manifestation of Christ in the earth. We gain stature and height in Christ simply from ministering to HIM alone within the bodies of ministry that we relate through.

The greatest heights of heaven are achieved simply by being one with One. However diverse, the One will cause you to see the ONE. Priesthood Precepts give us ownership of the part we must tend, but from seeing plurality through the greater body, we easily gain access to what is greater. I have often thought that it is far greater to be a small fish in a big pond above being a big fish in a small pond. Our alignment with the greater body, from the place of governance in God, positions us to reap of, and receive of far more than we have sown or contributed.

Over the years, cross-pollination has caused us to receive from each other what each has labored in from their life’s work. The gift to all is Christ as the Pearl of Great Price. He is the greatest reward by far. The key to receiving of this treasure comes to us by simply being planted (in heavenly realms) where our life can bear fruit. The seed (Christ) appears within what marks the harvest, both old and new.

When the blossoms appear, the honey bee goes to work towards seeding our future. As long as we can see the stars of the sky from what marks new horizons, we will discover the new harvest that begins appearing in the earth so that we can go to work to prepare the soil.


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