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Understanding the Apostle’s Mission

Yesterday, I shared this word along with the Collage of Photos with my Leadership. I’ve rewritten some of what was shared earlier. What is shared here could give some needed insight and understanding to those who labor for same purposes. Over the years, I have found that God’s glory brings great rest to us personally, as well great ease in our movements through the bodies of ministry that we’re engaged in.

I created a photographic collage of what I believe captures the missional life of an Apostle, as well as Apostolic Ministries. These Leaders often pioneer difficult paths and terrains. Any light and illumination that comes through organized ministry that people can easily become activated into can be as a glass of cool, refreshing water to those who have labored in dry wilderness places. I will narrate the symbolism in the Photo Collage as I go.

There are at least four stages in this Mission:

  1. The man or woman

  2. The Corporate Man (two, three, or more, beginning with how the Holy Spirit will make His corporate presence known upon this early part of a work. The Holy Spirit makes Himself known in how he connects the generations members, as well as how and moves through them).

  3. The Generation (often seen represented through a corporate-bodied expression of ministry, such as TEAM, Ecclesia, Administrations, etc.)

  4. Nation (stretching ministry to it’s fullest progression, or representation involving human beings on earth)

Of what Births a Generational Order through Linear Patterns, we learn how to manifest living, breaching plumb lines of ministry that the Holy Spirit will build from. In my own walk, I was given revelation to discern my Apostle, who is my spiritual father through a measure of what he carries from what marks vertical alignment. By revelation given of the Holy Spirit, I learned to reproduce this measure through the testimony of a disciple, then a daughter, then through the formation of team, then on towards more progressive ministry. This has been an ongoing work for many years. Progressive ministry has to be cultivated into the people who will help co-labor with the work.

From a Generational Order to a Greater Ministerial Order:

In terms of forming corporate-bodied ministry, every scope of ministry gives us an understanding of what is in the seed, what is in the land, as well as what is in the heavens over the land. We should understand that seeds are sons, but seed is also represented in the outgrowth or overflow of what is produced through Ecclesia, or any corporate-bodied ministry. Seed is also represented in sons, as well as future sons that are within certain spheres, Metrons, or territories that are marked with some kind of boundary.

To inject some points here: There have been times in our ministry progression when the prophetic began functioning in respect to aiding victims of Sex Trafficking. The ministry would “fire off” its fruit, but was soon capped off for a later time, or appointment. In such times, we understand that God will only disclose so much where we need to be under the Leadership of, or submitted to the Law Enforcement Agencies that this scope of ministry is divulging. What appeared as a Night Flare being released simply marked the boundaries that would shift us into a direction that we needed to begin preparing ourselves to walk in.

Much like the threads of a Tapestry, we sometimes drop the threads of one work to go and continue in another part. This part builds from a more balanced symmetrical order that symmetry leads to. Then, there are the continuous threads of the gifts of Eph 4:11, as well as the teams that carry this. Too much else to share here right now…..

The original linear patterns of New Jerusalem, which are spoken of in the Book of Revelation, are pretty important to God because the Holy Spirit regularly leads us “cross-grain” into other parts of ministry.

Since God uses His glory to mark the spot, placement, or part that we are to abide in, faithfully abiding, or remaining on the mark in the process of our growth is very important. I’m a Ride-share Driver. Sometimes, I get confusing signals as to where my pick up point is being pinned if my rider is moving all over the place. God’s spiritual GPS releases sounds and frequencies that mark specific points and purposes for our sending at certain times. Are we joining up with babes, children, or fathers? Are we rushing towards times of crisis to build foundations? Or are we going to render aid to structure that is broken, or fallen? Then, there are divine, genuine relationships who God sends to our life to remind us of God’s goodness. Does God just leave us here to be all play and no work? No, but it’s wonderful to build relationships with those who God has sent by divine appointments.

The Mission of the Apostle, as well as an Apostolic Work

An Apostle’s life will follow a missional work that serves to identify their life’s work. This work, for the most part, remains hidden to much of the world, even to much of the church. We produce and reproduce ministry according to Kingdom blueprints, as well as by design according to Ecclesia in the earth. Ecclesia in itself, appears as cell division towards the greater growth and ministry in relationship to Creation.


The Scales of Justice that are formed in these times will equally relate to all parts that have a share in the ministry. The little wooden puppet can represent many things. In our nation, it would appear that this points to political parties, with the hand being the powers of the air that muddies the water for those the whole government is to serve as a nation. We also know that there are generational illnesses and diseases. In these times, we are hearing more of how God is leading apostolic leaders and Apostles in how to cultivate ministry that will break the power of these sicknesses. A third part of this analogy could be understood in how cultures can train the puppeteers in how to manipulate the puppets. Here again, raising sons is the answer to every solution.

Justice and Righteousness

We don’t speak judgments upon land that is already afflicted. We seek to produce the ministry needed to raise up what is held captive in the land, with that first of all, being sons.

The Scales of Righteousness will mark right standards, right measures, and just weights in Christ. They will also mark what God will once again encircle, or embody us with in regards to what is represented in the multiplication through our seed.

What will be represented in the seed:

  1. as sons,

  2. as Ecclesia,

  3. seed planted in the land,

  4. as well as seed positioned in the Heavens (ready to legislate the Kingdom of God.)

Where we want the heavens opened, we multiply the works of Jesus; both through the works of the ministries, as well as the bodies that the ministries are administrated through. The Cell Division speaks of how multiplication comes to bring holy division to what is already one with itself. A ministry may be fully functional and prospering within the purpose that it was originally designed for. However, in order to reproduce it in other soil to activate the dominion blessing exponentially, we oftentimes must posture ourselves in the original father to son order. This serves to replicate the original pattern and design that Jesus first manifest His (our) sonship through.


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