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The Three-Fold Cord and the Morning Star!

For those who are enduring their Midnight Hour, remember this: Gather with two or three who stand in the Day that you need to walk towards and walk in. Stand on and declare Matt 18:20: “Where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in your midst.

This gathering represents the Lord’s Parousia presence, which is spoken of in the context of the Lord's "coming" in the New Testament. The Holy Spirit orchestrates this on behalf of the sons of God, the children of God. This time represents both His coming to you, as well as in you. This is His Parousia - His coming! Parousia will manifest the Lord's appearance to you in the midst of what is manifesting your midnight hour! From where "the Star" comes to divide night from Day, the Lord comes to you through His presence. (Parousia presence – [Greek]) He first appears to you much like the star appeared over Bethlehem. He then “comes”, or rises within you to reveal how to govern your life in the truths that are being revealed to you. He also comes to bring solidity to what is in lack and to build you on foundation, as well as the Word of God. What is built upon the Word of God will never become wind-tossed! The night season that reveals where deliverance is needed also marks the dawning of the New Day. The glory of the Lord will mark the hour and the season of your new birth – HIS birth in you – from this place forward.

The Day that you’re being gathered to and gathered with is your portion! The Day will declare it! The same Light and Life that causes us to arise is that which propels us forward. This is the move of God in our hearts and lives. This is the path (The Way) that our steps are made sure in. It is also where the wisdom that comes from God envelopes you and lights your path. This is God’s wrap-around presence that He is moving to clothe His people with in this hour.

2 Peter 1:9 - And so we have the prophetic word made more sure, to which you do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star arises in your hearts.


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