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The Prophetic Acts of Jesus' Earthly Ministry That Lead Us in These Present Times

John 14:3 – And if I go and prepare a place (topos) for you, I am coming again and will take you to Myself, so that where I am, there you also will be. (Shared from my own personal life experiences in relationship to present truth, or current applications of Holy Scripture.)

The foundation ministries of Apostles and Prophets have taught us to apprehend Kairos, prophetic, spiritual times that become illuminated to us by the Holy Spirit; often during times of prayer and intercession. In these strategic Kairos moments, the Holy Spirit will catch us up to spiritual places that become marked by the presence of God, as well as a heavy anointing and illumination. God will anoint people, places, times, and even things that relate to our forward movement towards His intended purposes for us.

From here, we are called to rise from what we learn of God's Kingdom. We proceed from ministry where the Holy Spirit is given place to be expressed through two (or more) generations until the ministry progresses to embody a greater expression through team or through individual fellowships. Once we have a more full expression of the counsel of God, our spiritual ascent in this embodiment of ministry follows. God's Kingdom Order, which follows the witness of the Church (Ekklesia), is what Christ uses to further manifest Himself to us through.

I will not attempt to cover all of the ministries that are formed in between, and on the way to greater discovery. Discovery of the many patterns of apostolic ministry (of the Apostles), which Jesus prepared for us to discover in these present times, is one that we must discover through what God Himself will inhabit as we follow the footsteps of our Lord. I will simply share of “the Greek (TOPOS) place” that Jesus spoke and taught from before and after His crucifixion. These are spiritual places that our soul will often crave, or long for God’s Spirit and habitation in our lives. Some places we can lead others to, some we cannot. The Holy Spirit, which is still sent by Christ, is the one who still leads us to find our way on this path of faith.

Below is how the Greek word, Topos, is defined in it’s usage to scripture. From what follows, we see a whole landscape begin to open up to us that marks a path that many soon find themselves on. When you know God’s purposes in what you are walking out, it becomes much easier to identify the Signs of the Times (which God reveals) that are marking your path. Vision empowers us to move quickly towards what God is positioning us to receive of so that needed counsel can be given for the times that we live in.

Topos: (Greek) meaning: Place ( )

Is used for: place, room, quarter, license, coast, plain, rock.

I. Place, any portion or space marked off, as it were from surrounding space.

a. An inhabited place, as a city, village, district.

b. A place (passage) in a book.


a. The condition of station held by one in any company or assembly.

b. Opportunity power, occasion for acting.

In John 14:3, Jesus was comforting His disciples before His crucifixion. Before this, He had walked out a path that they, as well as we, would later discover as His followers.

In Matt 12: 43, where the Sign of Jonah the Prophet is mentioned, Jesus spoke that when the unclean spirit comes out of a person, it passes through waterless places seeking rest, and does not find it. Verse 44 speaks of how the same spirit returns to the house that is swept clean and put into order to find that the house is unoccupied. Then it goes and takes with it 7 more spirits more wicked than itself and goes to live there. The final condition of the person is worse than the first. In the Lord’s progressive path that is outlined below, we see that “the house” in regards to TOPOS, becomes quite expansive. Those who walk out foundation ministries (of Apostles and Prophets) can relate to what is encountered and discovered on these pathways.

The Prophetic Acts of Jesus: (Jesus said we become born again through both spirit and water)

1) After Jesus heard of John the Baptist being beheaded, He withdrew from there in a boat to a secluded place (topos) ……. Jesus went to where there WAS WATER and the people followed Him on foot from the cities. (Matt 14:13)

2) a TOPOS place; as what was uninhabited by God's spirit life, to what is inhabited, generation to generation: In Matt 14:15, Jesus gathered His disciples to be with Him in the TOPOS place. They complained, saying that, “it’s late…. This is an isolated place….. Send the multitudes away so that they can go and buy food for themselves…… Jesus blessed the five loaves and the two fish. He also brought order by instructing the people how to be seated on the grass to receive of what was being multiplied.

3) A TOPOS place; as uninhabited to inhabited, as a city, village, district (see Strongs G5117). In Matt 14:35, when the men of that (TOPOS) place recognized Him, they sent word into all that surrounding region and brought to Him all who were sick.

4) The Crucifixion: In Matt 27:33, at the (TOPOS) place of Golgotha, which was a (TOPOS) place of the skull. Golgotha, meaning skull, was named such because it’s form, which was outside of Jerusalem, resembled a skull. Wrong relational patterns, as well as belief or value systems that are unihabited by the Spirit Life of God will not produce continuous, redemptive life that will prosper the souls of people.

5) An uninhabited grave (where curses are reversed): Here, TOPOS reveals what Jesus inhabited through His death, but is now risen. Matt 28:6 He is not here: for He is risen, He said. Come, see the place (TOPOS) where the Lord lay.

The very ministry that God sent to the earth to reveal His Kingdom and save the world through, man crucified. Christ said that we must be born again to see the Kingdom of God (born of both spirit and water). He also said that the Kingdom is within us. When we loose our life, we find His life within us. Matt 16:25 For whoever wants to save his life will lose it; but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.

Even as God’s own people crucified His Son, they could not crucify God in His people where He became their habitation as sons of God. It has been said that Jesus became son of man, so that men could become sons of God.

John 14:3 – And if I go and prepare a place (TOPOS) for you, I am coming again and will take you to Myself, so that where I am, there you also will be. {We are seated with Christ in heavenly places}.

Many are currently seeking the return of Christ to see natural graves break open that the dead will rise from. When we open the eyes of our hearts right NOW, we become discerning of the silent, hidden graves that lack of God's Spirit and nature. These graves rob us of the Abundant Life that Christ came to give us. Each person, disciple, son, etc., have gifts within them that become activated and active the moment that they enter (and engage) the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of God is all around us and the glory of God covers the earth. Our progressive ministry equipping in Christ teaches us how to apprehend the (spiritual) times, as well as how to reap the harvest that is about to come forth in the earth. It is no wonder that Jesus is appearing to so many in dreams and visions in these present times.

I was inspired to do this writing recently after meeting a beautiful Muslim woman who shared with me that Jesus was appearing to her in her dreams. After having a number of these dreams, she began seeking counsel from her Islam Priests and they agreed that her dreams are sending some kind of message. She also told me that, in her dreams, Jesus told her to follow “the Arrow”. I believe clear direction can be seen from what Jesus ministered to us in his earthly ministry. Also, from the message that His Life within us continues to lead us in today. As we gain an understanding of the (Topos) places that Jesus ministered to us from in relationship with His own Life, we are brought into a deep realizatoin of our own identity in Him, which is given by no other. Christ is the ultimate sacrifice that God gave for our own redemption. I gave this sweet woman my card and told her to visit my website and blog. I pray that this word helps to bring some Life and Light to scripture. I am a follower of Jesus and have mixed these scriptures with personal faith. God has become more real to me than anything that is around me.

Until we meet again………..

Cindy Allen


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