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The Course: Identifying Apostolic Patterns

The Greek word dromos, which means course, is spoken of three times in the New Testament.

In it’s first usage in Acts 13:25, John the Baptist is spoken of as one who fulfilled his course to give testimony of Christ who comes after him. This is spoken of by Paul during the time of his first Missionary journey.

Paul, the Apostle, was sent to the Gentiles. He fulfilled part of a course in relationship with those that his life’s message would be birthed from, but in Acts 13:47, Paul speaks of being sent to the Gentiles. Acts 13:47 speaks, of what the Lord has commanded Paul: “I have appointed you as a Light to the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the end of the earth.

Finally, in 2 Timothy 4:7, Paul speaks that he has “fought the good fight and have finished my course and I have kept the faith”.

We see the witness of “the course”, which is woven into the fabric of Paul’s life. Once his life’s message becomes part of scripture, we see the presence of a three-fold cord which points to an apostolic pattern that God consistently uses to lead us by. Life precepts of scripture often draws from their original context, while multiplying us towards what becomes progressive. Oftentimes, what is being multiplied and increased is to become provision that is marked for a future time, as well as for a future generation. Nonetheless, the fulfillment of the Word of God through one part leads to reveal how the Lord will manifest Himself through the Koinonea fellowship spoken of in Acts 2:42. This Promise comes in due season to those we are sent to. Life precepts are simply present, or current applications of the Word of God. Not only as lifestyle principals, but from what is multiplied with the apostolic patterns that are present in scripture. The same patterns are reproduced in those who receive of the ministry for the purpose of bringing Light to their paths on what soon appears as their first missionary journey. The Light that Paul brought to the Gentiles is still illuminating The Way to today’s pathfinders. The faith that began with him through scripture is still producing both faith and fruit that bears witness of Christ in us, as well as Christ with us.

Much like Paul’s first missionary trip, what begins from faith (land), to the high seas reveals what was previously hidden from sight. Having an experiential knowledge of the winds that drive gives one some perspective of the waves that rise in response to the winds (tempests). What has established your life on faith, even through the storms of life, will serve as the faith needed to establish others who will follow in The Way.

Navigating the high seas in relationship to your daily life serves to reveal how God intricately designed heaven and earth to collaborate together to make Christ known to you where He has otherwise yet to appear.


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