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Spiritual Pregnancy and Our Framework (also for men)

Not too long ago, I was given a vision of someone who looked to be pregnant in her second trimester. When I was given this vision, I felt that the pregnancy that I was being shown was spiritual. For this reason, I want to break this down in a spiritual way to what relates to us as human beings. I also want to expound on the same analogy in terms of identifying right kinds of structure that mutual relationship can be built through. This involves family, church, community, workplace, etc.

As human beings, we are body spirit, and soul. When we don’t know how to grow forward so that we are formed according to God’s design, we will most likely become shaped by the world around us. We can become broken by what is already broken in and of itself. We can also end up struggling in trying to meet expectations that are harsh from those who only meet us with excessive demands, rather than relationship.

Of the Christ Life that is “born” within us, to what leads to our experience of being “born-again”:

In addition to being empowered to receive knowledge of God’s purpose for us, according to how He has designed us, we also gain an understanding of God’s Divine Order. In doing so, we become further empowered to see the progressive life-span of spirit life that we can engage in our going forward. Even as we grow forward! It helps us greatly to walk in discernment of a path that is led by God. From this path, we can see structure that gives place for healthy boundaries that right relationships can develop from. The choices that we make in the knowledge of God’s Kingdom lead us in how and what to build our lives on.

To understand your own frame from how God has designed you is much like discovering the life that is growing within the framework of your own body. Once the Head of the Child crowns at birth, the time has come for this same Life to continue growing outside of the womb in the framework of right relationships. In much the same way, structure that Crowns the Christ Life within us will also facilitate relationship that is mutual. The absence of healthy boundaries is often the result of misplaced, or misguided expectations that one part can place on another part.

The Spirit of Prophecy is the Testimony of Jesus! (Rev 19:10)

The spirit of prophecy, or of prophetic ministry is often the first expression of Christ that begins to rise within a well nourished spirit (ours). This spirit, which is both Light and Life, comes to aid us in discerning the life that is growing within us, as well as in what is growing outside of us. Where spirit life is thriving and growing within us, the same life continually increases to bring discernment of how to navigate our lives in respect to the world around us. Also, in respect to systems that lack in the knowledge of God’s Kingdom.

To find your own path in this, remember to be mindful of your mind, will, and emotions where you feel challenged, or where you feel that right boundaries are being tested. What rises out of your soul/flesh life comes through the mind, will, and emotions. Keep this soul life under subjection of spirit life so that you can be governed by the spirit life that comes from God. What rises further out of spirit life will often reveal (see) the blueprints of what will provide the needed framework to what appears to be lacking in structure around us. God will use your voice to give birth to these things. To those who give ear to the spirit, the same will embrace the life (boundaries, framework, structure) which follows.

This analogy of a natural pregnancy can be applied to what frames us from many dimensions of life. God’s presence, as well as His Light and Life goes with us from faith to faith. SON-light in Christ leads to the discovery of our Sonship. If you see the Son, you have also seen the Father and the greater works of His Kingdom. (John 14:9).

Hebrews 11

The Passion Translation

The Power of Bold Faith

11 Now faith brings our hopes into reality and becomes the foundation needed to acquire the things we long for. It is all the evidence required to prove what is still unseen. 2 This testimony of faith is what previous generations were commended for. 3 Faith empowers us to see that the universe was created and beautifully coordinate by the power of God’s words! He spoke and the invisible realm gave birth to all that is seen.

Hebrews 11:3 KJV

Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.


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