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Set the Order, Build the Paths, Restore Design

Much like how we see the gentle flow of a river, we can also see the flow of ministry within a body that is engaged with what orders our steps. Apostolic ministry brings multiplication to all of it’s parts, beginning with the generations. Once apostolic patterns begin being multiplied within a people, what increases goes out from us. (Christ goes before us).

From what is expanded, Kingdom ministry will locate what is in disrepair from heavenly realms. Rather than enter into needless battles with what has been overbuilt or is overextending itself, we simply build up the part that is lacking until God moves to frame the work with His Word.

If we’re always moved to bring correction from what is in disrepair, the outcome will result in greater confusion as well as greater disorder. Apostolic ministry serves to make paths straight, as well as build paths that others can follow. When the prophetic moves to raise a people “a head higher than the rest”, we must be careful that ministry doesn’t become bent towards catching others in faults that they are not yet discerning of. When paths that are built by the pathfinders are doing their part, all rise together to give Christ a place to rest His Headship. On such a path, the River flows so that people are released to become like the one who is highly exalted. Where Christ is exalted, He will draw people to Himself. Light bearers carry the Light where darkness needs to is expelled. Tending the Garden serves to prepare a place; not only for God’s habitation, but also for people to inhabit as God’s Dwelling Place.

Set the order where there is disorder and build the paths. Prepare the place that the Lord will raise people to so that they may become like the One we are to worship.

Gen 2:10 Now a river flowed out of Eden to water the garden; and from there it divided and became four rivers.

I have often found that the prophetic is the first river that goes out. When our ministry is to the Lord, we will clearly see His expressions rising in the people in the likeness of the rivers that are carrying them. Beginning with what is generational (father to son), holy division leads to the blessing of multiplication.

Whether Old Testament or New Testament, whether from the gifts of Eph 4:11, or the Priesthood Order, the latitude and longitude of heaven still pinpoints what the precision of the Word of God needs to come to.


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