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Of Zion - Building the City

Lay foundations. Build the framework that will rest upon the foundations. Progressive paths that go out from the house will multiply the blessing of the lessor part to the greater part, even before we can fully see and discern the standard that is being raised. What we inhabit from spirit life establishes us in how to occupy what becomes defined and redefined as our dwelling place.

The redemptive work of Zion builds the House to gather what is outside of what God can bless. Much like Ezekiel was a Prophet to those who were exiled, some of the ministry of Zion leads what is in disorder into what the Kingdom can be openly manifest through. The heights of Zion are poured out to the lower regions for this reason - to disciple those who are being gathered so that they may rise and follow Christ. Even as Zion redeems the lost, Zion also creates a dwelling place that serve those agencies, entities, governments, etc. who build our cities and nations from how they serve. Oftentimes, these are of those who find themselves in spiritual battles that are beyond what they can understand or comprehend. Without a heavenly pattern and design to follow, those who are without

understanding will most likely battle against flesh and blood. And we see the divisions widen!

The Holy Spirit as a River

Without Holy Spirit led convergence, one part will oftentimes eclipse another part in what the River is purposed to join. We find a pattern of what the height of Zion flows down to reach in the 47th Chapter of Ezekiel. Verse 1 speaks of the door of the house, and how the water was flowing from under the threshold of the house toward the east. The man who went out from the house began to measure through the waters within a River that began as being ankle deep, then knee deep, and then into waters that had risen to the hip. After they returned to the riverbank, the trees on each side of the banks were made known.

True Convergence:

Eze 47:12 “And by the river on its bank, on one side and on the other, will grow all kinds of trees for food. Their leaves will not wither, and their fruit will not fail. They will bear fruit every month because their water flows from the sanctuary, and their fruit will be for food and their leaves for healing.”

Boundaries and Division of the Land

After the trees were made known, the boundaries were identified, and the land was divided as an inheritance. Building our cities will often require the Ecclesia to be submitted to those who are in authority over our cities. In one season, these are submitted to Ecclesia to receive of the ministry that can be reproduced into greater spheres of authority. In another season, Ecclesia will be submitted to those who labor to build our cities by keeping order and upholding laws and governments. Convergence brings the spiritual discernment that one part has to another part, as well as God’s purposes for all.

Know a Tree by its Fruit

Regardless of which side of the river the trees are planted on, those who are discerning of spirit life will identify the trees by their fruitfulness, as well as the healing that is in their leaves. The eb and flow of God’s holy river will continue the work of Zion in our land wherever healing and wholeness needs to be made manifest.

Thy Kingdom come! On earth as it is in heaven!


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