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My Fish Email (A Prophetic Dream from Many Years Ago)

In the past two years, I have continually warned against “pulling up and alongside of breaches” where they were being openly manifest as the ditches of extremes opposites. Oftentimes where one part is trying to impose some form of accountability on another part. The ditches cause people to go and sway from one extreme to another extreme from how they respond to what has caused them loss, pain, or suffering. (Being tossed to and fro….[Eph 4: 14]) To align with such is to become part of the problems that division centers around rather than part of the solutions that God is leading us into. Also, to pull up to these tables leads one to speak, live, and walk out a different gospel than that of Jesus Christ. What we align with in agreement (become one with) becomes a path that is laid out before us. Deception can cause one to arrive at the very point that is disagreed upon. It is a fate that the world around us is daily being met with. (See my “fish email” below.)

As one course has been completed, I have begun to see the full scope of ministry that God has been leading us towards for some time. I’m especially thankful for the grace to build from the latitude of ministry that God frames us through from within the ascension ministries. I pray this word becomes a bridge to some who may have overextended themselves, or overstepped in respect to circumstances that were not fully understood. What we eat of, we feed others the same. When all is said and done, we should simply know a Tree by it’s fruit.

My “Fish Email”

Prophetic Dream from Many Years Ago:

I have shared this dream a number of times over the years. Many years ago, I was given a very short, simple dream that greatly impacted my life. In this dream, no words were spoken. SEEING became the loudest sound that my spirit has ever heard and my heart immediately aligned with the path that this put me on. It’s one thing to be discerning of what comes out of your mouth; it is another thing to become discerning of how your life follows your words.

In the dream, I found myself standing next to a very tall, beautiful angel at a kitchen island within a very large, beautiful kitchen. I wanted to look directly at him, but was not allowed to. Even so, I could still see him with my heart. My eyes were directed to two fish laying on the counter of the island in front of us. Each fish was of a different species. One was larger, the other one was smaller. In an instant, both fish were filleted and laid open on the counter for me to see. I saw that both fish were of the same flesh even though each were of a different species. As I observed the flesh of both fish, I caught a glimpse of the look of disapproval being sent to me by this angel. The dream ended. I think that the loudest silence that I ever heard from God came from this dream.

After I woke, I pondered this dream for a long time afterwards. I have continued to ponder these things over the years when I see the waters of the second heaven realm begin to manifest. This is the place where mixture is being identified in God’s people. It’s also a place where our hearts need to be purged as we examine ourselves before we lay accusations on others. Pride is the lure used to catch these fish from either, or both sides of division. Deception is the condition of heart that manifests the very things that the accuser is accusing another, or others of.

At that time, during a time of a church split, I would have been the younger, smaller fish. Had I continued on in my offended heart, I would have been completely swallowed up by the larger fish and eventually engulfed by the darkness that surrounded our circumstances. Such was a witness of a lack of faith in the One who we were to be serving and worshiping! My own blindness had caught me off guard to the waters that I was swimming in. Those who worship God are made whole and cease from activity that scatters and fragments the body, soul, or mind.

In real time, or in real life, the prophetic backdrop of this dream witnesses of whatever is in turmoil in the world around us. What, where, or how do you suffer from some kind of injustice? Is the injustice that you suffer targeted through gender, race, or ethnic prejudices? Maybe you suffer at the hands of a spouse, or even your children. Maybe you are a son or daughter who suffers at the hands of a parent. Maybe what you suffer is related to genetics, or to workplace, or other kinds of injustices.


Where you find yourself as the “smaller fish” in whatever part that you suffer in, then become the bigger person by overcoming the injustices that surround you without laying blame on another. You cannot bring healing to what continues to harm you. Neither can you bring deliverance to what still has you bound. The Cross of Jesus brings death to whatever part of you can become ensnared by any death trap. Still, from the Testimony of Jesus, there will be those who hear accusation in their ears where there is none. The Koinonea fellowship of Acts 2:42 is a testimony of those who share in the same resurrected life of Christ, the same bread, the same walk.

As we have seen in the upheaval in our cities and nations in the past two years, taking up corporate offenses can quickly prove to become the “beast nature” that is nurtured beyond the knowledge of what an undiscerning people are laying hold of. This nature rises through a multitude of undiscerning people whose vision has not been developed to know their right hand from their left hand. In these scenarios, from the church, even to the world around us, much of what comes out of our mouths witnesses of what has been chewed on, swallowed, regurgitated, and swallowed yet again. God has a now word, a true word. His ways are higher and His thoughts are higher. Those who rise in Him will speak what He speaks and do the works that He sent us to do. If He is not speaking, then neither should we!

At the cross, we receive our sight as those who were previously blinded by the filters that witness of where we ourselves had not overcome. Let the times of purging reveal what it will and be blessed by the Light that floods our path in the times that follow.


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