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Love by Design!

The prophetic acts of Jesus often spoke above what he spoke with his words! His very life was made up of picture sentences, paragraphs, and chapters that many have tried to capture with words. In doing so, we become captivated by a love that cannot be adequately expressed with words.

We can resolve to express what we know in part, as a part; even as a counterpart of greater truths that will unfold in our hearts for many years to come.

A counterpart is a person or thing that closely resembles another, especially in function. Jesus said, “If you have seen me, you have seen the Father.” (John 14:9) A counterpart is also one of two parts that fit, complete, or compliment another. The most meaningful relationships that we will ever know are patterned after the relationship that Jesus demonstrated with His Father. Then, from His Father to us!

Jesus first demonstrated ministry as a counterpart. In this relationship, God the Father clearly yielded to the Son and the Son yielded himself to the Father. By relationship, as a mediator, Jesus brought the fullness of the Father to the people. Jesus didn’t teach personal ministry; he taught of the (whole) order that the Kingdom would become manifest to them through. Jesus revealed the relationship that He practiced with the Father and extended the same relationship to the disciples to form a threefold cord.

From the Two, to the Three, to the Twelve (disciples to apostles), we again see another expression of the “Threefold Cord”.

Beginning with Father, Son, Holy Spirit by design!


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