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Healing from Emotional Disorders

Note from Cindy regarding Healing from Emotional Disorders

(Update: Link to video at bottom)

I will be doing a video very soon that shares my own personal experience of healing and deliverance from emotional disorders which were brought on by trauma in my earlier life. These disorders are sometimes referred to as Generational Trauma by Doctors and other Medical Professionals. In the video below, Apostle Greg identifies the Blueprints of ministry, which follows giftings and callings. I will be following up with the video that is promised. The video that I will be following up with will also identify how we build generationally. What we build through ministry that is generational is a covenantal expression of Titus 1:5, and is purposed to break off what oppresses people generationally. These conditions are present through the generations of our cities, states, and regions, as well as nations, through ongoing, generational trauma.

From Dr. Greg Crawford’s message: What Are You Carrying (link given below)

Dr. Greg Crawford, who is an Apostle, identifies Mission, Giftings and Callings, as well as the Ministries that these graces flow out of. What he outlines as Kingdom Blueprints gives an interface to what I’m sharing below from my own experiences. My life has been deeply impacted in very meaningful ways through those who often unknowingly serve others through their missions.

In Dr. Greg Crawford’s video from this morning, he identifies Mission, Giftings and Callings, as well as the ministries that gifts and calling flows out of. In the video that I’m planning to do very soon, I’ll be sharing how God supernaturally delivered me years ago of panic attacks. I was also delivered from the crippling effects that the panic attacks brought upon my life. My own deliverance began another journey of healing where, once again, God intervened through my daily life so that I could be delivered of the emotional disorder of PTSD, which were causing my panic attacks.

My own healing became a great part of my mission to see others healed. The ministries that have formed in the process have served to help people discover their own gifts and callings that would unveil their purpose and mission that God has placed in them. When you listen to this video, you will hear Dr. Greg Crawford define callings, giftings, as well as the ministry that we serve through. Spiritual gifts and ministries are not limited, or exclusive to the Pulpits within our local church bodies.

Years ago, when I returned to school in my early thirties, I discovered a Professor, who obviously taught – not only from her gift, but from her mission and purpose in life. She cracked the code in me! Before I became her pupil, I believed that I had no capacity to learn Algebra. While sitting as a student in her classroom, I not only learned Algebra, but began excelling in Trigonometry with no problems. (You will hear Ap. Greg touch on this in the video – from how the leaders’ gifts and callings are shared with those who join the ministry. Also, how gifts and callings of those in the ministry are shared with the leaders). The evidence that appears through the examples that I’m sharing are a testimony of what Ap. Greg is speaking of. We, as a people learn to carry the ministries, as well as how to embody the ministries to cultivate them further.

A few years ago, after the death of one of my sisters in another state, I discovered a Seargent with the Police who’s gifts began being unpacked when he very naturally began moving and flowing in his purpose. Not only was he a professional consoler, but he gave expert counsel in how he advised us in important matters, as well as circumstances that would follow. These were circumstances that we would know nothing about, apart from the wisdom that he offered us. “Go and talk to these people; don’t talk to those people. Go here, don’t go there. Do this, don’t do that….” When trauma unexpectedly hits our lives, it is difficult to maintain direction, as well as know how to make right decisions and choices in what follows. In such times, life can quickly put us into a tailspin and leave us without direction or understanding of what to do next. After two fairly short phone calls with this Sargent, I remember thinking, “my God, this man is a gift whose value could never be measured”.

The greatest gifts in life will oftentimes come packaged through those who know how to “do everyday life” from how they serve others from their mission through their occupations. There is a gulf of difference between those who serve from an occupation for personal gain alone, than those who serve from their calling in how their mission (ministry) benefits the people they serve. Passion will always be present in people’s mission, and love is always present through people’s passion. Love ignites love, regardless of how it is packaged or presented! Enjoy Dr. Greg Crawford's video message below: "What Are You Carrying?"


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