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Gideon’s Wartime Stratigies: Gathering at the Waters

Important Points for Strategic Intercession for our Nation

In these important times of Prayer and Intercession on behalf of our Nations, I offer these prophetic precepts for our journey! Knowing of the times that we move through helps to discern them when they are upon us.

What prophetic waters reflect to us within the prophetic times that we’re gathered in will tell the story of whether we are hurt or whole; offended or unoffendable. Since we are continually engaging battles, it greatly helps a soldier to be able to discern the appearance of woundedness or offense in our own heart before we judge others. As warriors and soldiers, we all get wounded again and again. It just helps to know God’s methods of healing us.

Let us begin with the prophetic appearance of the Jordan River where people crossed over into the Promised Land. Offense or wounds will reflect something that is behind, which we have not overcome. When these dark waters reflect something in the past, the emotional triggers that become engaged is the evidence that we are still seeing through filters as opposed to a clear lens of Kingdom discernment and understanding.

Just as the banks of the Jordan typically flooded during harvest times, we experience spiritual floods at these banks. Harvest times are purposed to multiply us in fruitfulness, but the baptisms that come through these waters also serves to keep us healed. Apostolic ministry is such that we are often pressing into something that is usually pressing back into us. There is the presence of both Light and darkness! Where we fail to hold the line to remain as one, the confusion that comes on a people will cause them to lose sight of the part they were to be engaging. In a moment of time, we can disengage what was spirit and get tied up in muddy, mirky waters that are difficult to discern. This infraction will cause the harvest that we’re laboring towards to be completely lost or delayed.

Tested at the Waters

In Judges 7:4, where the Lord said to Gideon, “The people are still too many; bring them down to the water and I will test them for you there.”

Here, in reference to “bring them down”, the Hebrew word yarad means to go, or come down; to sink, become prostrated. It also means to “be brought down”, as in being subdued. A person’s character is greatly tested where they are brought down and made vulnerable in the face of a potential enemy or threat that is perceived as very great. A simple, consistent balance that we should always keep on prophetic foundations requires that we never lift our soul life where it becomes triggered by our own mind, will, and emotions. Rather, we overcome our challenges through the Cross of Christ so that we lift our voice in the spirit life of Christ. (Not being swallowed up by what is earthly, natural, or what has not been born again) Anything less than Christ joins us to the problem as opposed to rising in the solution.

Judges 7:4- 4 Then the Lord said to Gideon, “The people are still too many; bring them down to the water and I will test them for you there. So it shall be that he of whom I say to you, ‘This one shall go with you,’ he shall go with you; but everyone of whom I say to you, ‘This one shall not go with


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