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Doing Life by God’s Design

Understanding What Jesus Accomplished on the Cross for Us

Note: This was written on behalf of someone who struggles with alcohol and drug abuse, but can be applied to any life circumstance. A couple of days ago, I spoke with someone else who was searching for a blueprint guide to follow in how to build their lifestyle and relationships and from. Their growth in family and work life had increased in blessing, but new responsibilities in life had become overwhelming at times. What blesses us can also become a load that is difficult to manage at times. This happens when we don’t have God’s blueprint to build our lives by. Jesus’s yoke is always light; we only need to find our Christ-centered place in him.

The Melchizedek Priesthood Order

Prophetic training to hear God’s voice in order to become spirit led is the best way to disciple people out of the thought patterns that cloud their minds, as well as the actions that follow their thoughts.

Yesterday, I spoke with a man who had come out of a 45 day rehab. He was frustrated with where his life had taken him and felt completely helpless to change his course. He was even more dissatisfied with the patterns that his life produced, as well as relationships that remained to be part of these patterns. By his speech, I sensed that he felt entombed and constricted by those who surrounded him.

On a personal level, we see what Jesus did on the cross to reveal our own deliverance through personal salvation. Symbolically, what he also defeated by his death, burial, and resurrection also serves to deliver us from what constricts.

When we see the design that follows the pattern from the resurrection side of the cross, we become mindful to keep this circle of life present in our lives.

Ministry that begins with calling people out as sons of God will speak from their purpose in life. Kingdom ministry also labors to bring forth Christ in those we minister to. When we stay true to keep this circle of life unbroken, God will continue to increase us from what brings the life and light of His Kingdom.

*. *. *. *. *. *. *. *. as well as can be used as online Bible tools. You can do word searches and study what scripture has to say on many subjects. The Holy Spirit accompanies the work of Jesus. He brings illumination, revelation, and understanding to what we study and how ancient scripture still relates very personally to our lives today. Jesus’s #yoke is easy


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