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Diamond Cutters

Note: for those in need of healing from trauma, wounded emotions, captivity, etc.

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Diamond Cutters: How Do We Deal With the Carbon Spots in Our Own Diamond (self)?

A black spot in a diamond is known as a carbon flaw. Diamonds are made entirely of crystalized carbon, and these black spots are the result of carbon that never fully crystalized. They're natural flaws, not man-made, and are a part of the diamond's inherent structure.

Our spiritual lives take on the very same likeness of how diamonds are mined from the earth. Each cut that is made in the stone can often painfully remove us from something of the earth that hinders the presence of God, as well as the reflection of God’s Light from how He shines through us. We cannot be hero’s or saviors to the world around us. There is only one Jesus! Still, we can allow Christ to live through us so that the One who our lives reflect can reach the treasure in the lives of others.

Diamond People live differently than most people do. Learning to line the more painful areas of our lives up in God’s brightness serves to bring us into a place of overflowing as over-comers. We learn to overcome whatever has brought injury, overshadowed, or eclipsed God’s love for us. Earlier this week, I heard someone share that God had spoken to them about “trauma bonds” within their family. This appears to weave a pattern that brings greater darkness and captivity upon people. More recently, someone else came to me to share of some emotional triggers that have been caused by some recent events in part of their family.

All of us go through life processes that God allows. When the whole diamond is being reflected, we don’t see the small carbon spots that can overshadow how God’s Light streams to others from certain facets of our lives. When these carbon spots are brought into focus from one facet of life, we must face the imperfection that is blinding us to God’s presence in our lives. If we don’t overcome this darkness, our lives will be overcome by what carries this in greater strength. Thus, the making of “trauma-bonds”. Truth be told, this is what frames up much of the world around us in these times. What begins as a prison becomes a grave that holds so many. Jesus came to deliver us from the power of death, hell, and the grave, but we don’t always recognize how these things shroud our lives in moments that will later define something greater.

Defining Moments

God allows defining moments to come to us to reveal our own captivity to or in a thing. If we are under the power of what is being illuminated, then we have been overcome. Anything that can trigger fear, wounded emotions, sadness, or traumatic memories becomes our “lord” in this darkness. We can know Jesus as Savior, but the work of mining diamonds reveal how and where to make Jesus Lord our lives. Healing and deliverance frees us …. From facet to facet, glory to glory, faith to faith.

Until we overcome through true dominion that brings liberty, we will most likely remain victims to what we have been overcome by. (2 Peter 2:19). The Bible speaks of overcoming and being overcome. When we stand on God’s Word and surrender whatever needs to come into God’s Light, we receive of the dominion that is given to those who become the sons of God. Those who God raises to glory cannot be bound again because of the liberty that surrounds the life of sons and daughters of God. God will perform His Word in us in the most intimate and beautiful ways.

Overcomer vs Being Overcome

Let’s look at what the Bible says about being overcome, as well what scripture says to those who do overcome. Healing closes wounds so that we do not become overtaken by a fault to cause others to stumble. This is why personal accountability, in the face of some kind of injustice, causes us to examine our own heart above the offense that someone else may be causing or bringing. Where people bully others to manipulate emotions of fear, etc., the one who experiences being targeted as victims to this kind of behavior should allow the Light of God to pass over their own heart as a sword. Just don’t subject yourself to the abuse of an abuser. God doesn’t work through these kinds of ungodly tactics.

2 Peter 2:19 identifies the root of what begins through family as an origin point to what is carried out relationally, generationally, through family, and onto greater community. God, as our Father, is our origin point. He is the one who we came from and who we go to through Christ (in our rising and awakening). The Light of God brings lasting healing to dispel any darkness that would attempt to overcome His Light in people.

2 Peter 2:19

Amplified Bible

19 They promise them liberty, when they themselves are the slaves of depravity—for by whatever anyone is defeated and overcome, to that [person, thing, philosophy, or concept] he is continually enslaved.

Here, the Greek word used for ‘overcome’ is hēttaomai, which means to make less, inferior, be overcome.

We learn spiritual principals through ministry paradigms and patterns where the framework of what is in God’s Word illuminates what is framed in the world around us. Many emotional disorders, from how they find their origin in the generations that begin with family and community life, are seen in what scripture addresses here. Unhealthy relating patterns will ultimately lead people on a downward descent that cause people and generations to become distant from God in how they live and relate with others. Our daily lives should engage God and His Kingdom, even in the circumstances and people that surround our lives.


Apostolic foundations (of Apostles) build people on foundation that disallows people to become exalted beyond the stature that they gain in Christ. (Such as what is seen in ‘Diamond Mining’) Prophetic foundations (of Prophets) lead people upward in an awakening that increases one’s discernment of how to rightly divide spirit life from flesh life. Christ breaks the captivity that people are bound in and by. Jesus overcame the world. Romans 12:21 uses the same context of overcoming as what Jesus overcame from His time of ministry with us on this earth.

Romans 12:21 – Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.

Here, the Greek word, nikaō means:

I. to conquer

A. to carry off the victory, come off victorious

i. of Christ, victorious over all His foes

ii. of Christians, that hold fast their faith even unto death against the power of their foes, and temptations and persecutions

iii. when one is arraigned or goes to law, to win the case, maintain one's cause

🏆 Winners, not sinners! 🏅

God has given us a life to be lived in the knowledge of who He is, as well as who we are in Him through Christ. A life lived in Christ is a life lived well! Let your LIGHT shine! Jesus looks so good on you and in you! Embrace the processes that God’s Light reveals in your life. There is no greater freedom and liberty that is known from such great love. 💗


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