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Check Your Own Engine........IF:

Check Your Own Engine…….IF:

· If your message (Gospel) doesn’t minister from Christ in you as a witness to Christ in others.

· If what you have engaged speaks of “hitting the air” more than it does of engaging the ministry of Christ in a people.

1 Cor 9:26 – Therefore I run in such a way as not to run aimlessly; I box in such a way, as to avoid hitting the air.

The moment that body ministry in a people begins to cause them to rise as a Corporate Man, the same people will begin discerning the atmospheric regions that identify powers, rulers, and principalities of the air. My first revelation of such revealed this through what appeared to be the sum of a Man (powers of the air). This dark silhouette of a man, which I saw positioned in the heavens, put him in a place of rulership over people, even from what was taking place in the land below.

This man of sin……

To some, he is racism; to others, he is executed politically. To some, he represents abuse and what is abusive. Still, to others, his existence depends on masking the true Gospel so that the real issues of their hearts are never made known and brought to surface. Without the purity that comes from sanctification, faultfinders are birthed only to become critics of those who stay the path.

The Work of the Silversmith:

These matters require the heat needed to reveal the true work of God’s fire in and upon our lives. Without the heart of the Father being seen and known in all that God is moving to accomplish in a people, what follows provides this dark figure with the confusion needed to scatter what God is moving to gather. Know who you are and whose you are! Batting at the air to engage this man on a corporate level is a sure way to loose your own place at God’s Throne. God’s Throne is where Truth and Light are released in our words and actions. The Light of God’s glory is for the purpose of illuminating the Ancient Paths of the Kingdom of God for others who are also on this path!

Rather than preach against others (beating the air), do what Paul speaks in 1 Cor 9:27 – but I strictly discipline my body and make it my slave, so that, after I have preached to others I myself will not be disqualified.

When the silver has been purged of it’s dross, the silver (prophetic) will clearly reflect the image of God’s Son, Christ to others. And the work is done!


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