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Beware of the Flood Plains! (for Prophets and Prophetic Companies)

Much of what I am hearing and have heard in past times being spoken from the prophetic speaks correctly and accurately of natural events that are occurring, about to occur, or have occurred. The problem is that much of this ministry is coming out of natural, chronos times. These chronos times evolve in what accumulates collectively from what man sows and reaps without the knowledge and wisdom of God. Whether from more shallow waters, where we first begin seeing the first signs of the break-down of mankind through the first Adam, to the waters that speak into political and governmental plans and agendas that rule our cities and nations, each part accurately speaks from the progressions of man without God’s intervention.

In the past couple of days, I’ve listened to some of what is being spoken of prophetically of prophets, as well as how some prophetic people are speaking into the present times. I recently listened for a few minutes to someone who mentions the days of Noah with a sense of knowing that a water-table rises in the times of progression. Another well-known international Leader speaks of the extremes that we will face in 2022, but he speaks more from political and governmental views.

Whether we find ourselves crossing brooks or streams, rivers or oceans, the depth of our ministry activation should place us as the head and not the tail because, first of all, we carry the Lord’s presence; (Parousia). If we rise embattled by what is in the ditches, or to what is breached, we do so as being under siege only to engage the next level of warfare. When we rise in the Lord’s ascension, we rise as overcomers who are able to speak redemption and restoration to what has fallen or failed.

When we speak from what God inhabits with his presence, our first steps will lead us in how to be carriers of God’s presence and glory. God’s glory brings purging of sin, illumination of right paths, ease of movement – all while abiding in God’s rest. God’s written, Living Word brings understanding and wisdom of how to appropriate this revelation through current applications.

Matthew 24 makes several references to the son of man and his appearing (Parousia). I am only addressing current applications of the Lord’s coming, as in how this takes place in His people, the church, etc. Some Bible scholars argue that these things have already been fulfilled, but we still see the pattern of this being multiplied into our present times. These same scriptures, which were fulfilled long ago, still serve to frame us up in our present times. Many of the wars spoken of in Matt. 24, such as kingdom against kingdom, nation against nation, are revealed in what defines the breaches that are presently seen in our land. What lightening reveals when it flashes from east to west will likewise reveal how God moves simultaneously to frame up Zion within a vertical measure of what is broken in the breaches. God does this to establish His Throne above the thrones of man to be reconciled to Christ (as a standard that brings repair to what is broken in the breaches).

Speaking and ministering of both day and night brings the balance needed for people to stay out of the ditches, but if we become too heavily engaged in the battles within the ditches, we will fail to see the appearing of the Lord rising in and upon His people. The streams and rivers that flow on either side of division will often mark the prophetic floodplains of the River Jordan. Approaching these waters from either bank will reflect one of two ways. That which is behind, or that which is before us (having crossed over). That which reflects what is behind is processed through filters, while that which is seen through the lens of ministry gives us vision of how to engage God and His Kingdom. Whatever we engage, we become caught in the current of the waters that we step into. Take care that you are on the spirit side of the plain so that you do not get washed away from currents that deepen.

The Greek word Parousia means:

1)presence. 2) the coming, arrival, advent. 3) the future visible return from heaven of Jesus, to raise the dead, hold the last judgment, and set up formally and gloriously the kingdom of God.

Again, I am pointing us to what presently builds us in the Christ-like structure that God will inhabit with His Parousia presence.

We can and do walk out the prophetic times of Matthew 24 to receive the deeper wisdom that comes in God’s visitations from what we build upon these same scriptures in our present times. All that is built must begin with the Parousia presence of God and continue in the same. In doing so, we receive of the wisdom and counsel that God pours out. We also see how to apprehend the prophetic, Kairos times where God has placed needed provision in our times of need.

Matt 24:27 - “For just as the lightning comes from the east and flashes as far as the west, so will the coming (G3952 – Parousia presence of God) of the Son of Man be.

Matt 24:37 - “For the coming (G3952 - Parousia presence of God) of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah.

Matt 24:39 - and they did not understand until the flood came and took them all away; so will the coming (G3952 - Parousia presence of God) of the Son of Man be.

When our foundations are true, generation to generation, we will be as the city set on the hill. The Christ-like standard that is raised above racial tension is known in what raises a standard for a generation to rise in together, with the breach being repaired. Whatever the battles are within the greater war, the same Christ-likeness can overtake what has fallen and in dis-repair.

Jesus came and modeled sonship to us. He also gave us the church, Ecclesia, as well as the gifts that empower us to become built up in this embodiment of ministry. As much as He lit up this world, in Matthew 5:14, He spoke that YOU, we, are the light of the world.

Matt 5:14 -

“You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden;


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