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Apostolic Council and the Coming Move of God

The Need for Apostolic Council and the Coming Move of God

The move of God that is coming to the Church is coming in God’s people. Movement follows growth, and growth brings changes that must be communicated. It is actually growth that is spiritual that causes much of the stress points that we see begin to surface in people’s lives and relationships. These are the areas that people need to be discipled in. Discipleship, as well as ministry training in administrations that bring movement, serves people in how to navigate the Kingdom of God in relationship to their lives and ministries.

Holy Spirit Counsel: Holy Spirit counsel that is experienced personally in our members is likewise shared corporately in relationship with a greater body. This is an attribute of the Apostle’s Doctrine. God purposes that this shared, mutual witness of the Holy Spirit in our members is present to make our steps more sure, even in uncertain times.

The Apostles Doctrine is noted to carry this manifest witness and presence of God in the corporate expression of the Holy Spirit. Apostolic ministry, which is shared in it’s function within a corporate body, is cultivated in two or more generations, members, or parts. From paths which have already been built, we host the ministry of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit moves in demonstration and in power of the Word of God, as it relates to the intricate areas and details of the lives of people. He also brings people into deeper intimacy with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit in addition to a deeper relationship with God’s people.

Coming Changes to the Gifts of Eph 4:11. True Apostolic Council serves to calibrate gifts, ministries, as well as administrations that lead to movements (pathways), to strengthen Leaders in times of challenging transition. What has built the storehouses of ministry will likewise build the individual parts and ministries as each flow together for greater purpose. In the coming days, it will be very beneficial for Leaders to be aligned with an Apostolic Council to make their steps more sure in times of transition. Even as growth brings great blessings to us, it does not come without challenges.


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